Friday 3 July 2015

L'entente Cordiale

Propaganda is used by all countries in the world and has been in some form or other for most of history. It can be very interesting to look back at examples of propaganda and try to analyse what was intended. This is the first of series of posts looking at very aspects of WWI propaganda that I hope you will find interesting.
The above is a piece of propaganda almost certainly created in Germany that will have been sent into France during 1915. It depicts the British Empire as a spider dominating Europe and was almost certainly designed to try and convince the French people that their pact with Britain or "L'entente Cordiale" as it was called was only benefiting the British Empire and they should look instead to the Germans (the proud eagle in the above image). German U-boats are also attacking the web in the image while the Spider itself appears to be eating a Frenchman this contrast is again designed to create doubt as to whether the French should be allied with Britain or if they should cut themselves loose from such an oppressive force. This particular piece of propaganda failed as France and Britain remained allies throughout WWI but it still is a very powerful and interesting image that I feel will have resonated with many French people who were uncomfortable being allies with a country that was their traditional enemy.

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